I think it’s important for writers to write down their
dreams. Here’s one I had on the night of July 4th.
Three of the Harry Potter characters were leading a group of
children through a forested realm thick with monsters. Each monster was at
least two to three times the size of a human being and were mostly bony on the
outside, often with spikes.
Harry, Hermione, and Nigel paused on a knoll that was clear
of trees. A hologram appeared of General Patton (who looked like George C.
Scott). He congratulated them on making it this far. He ordered them to proceed
to their destination as fast as possible, killing as many monsters as they
could along the way.
The three agreed amongst themselves that the order was
contradictory: If they killed as many monsters as they could, they would not
travel at best speed, and they would not survive. (It’s possible they had lost
some children along the way—the tone was quite dark.)
Harry led the way. They did not fly, but a couple of times
as he held Hermione’s hand and she held Nigel’s hand, Hermione’s and Nigel’s feet left the

photo by DavidDjJohnson
They arrived at their destination without losing any more children.
The three of them went into some kind of control tower. There, they toppled
something as thick as a telephone pole onto one of the monsters, crushing it.
Harry read an instruction sheet that stated they were to
wait until 2:00 am for everyone to arrive (they had arrived around midnight).
An adult sponsor appeared and asked Harry if he had read the
instructions. When Harry said yes, the sponsor said the sheet indicated they
were to wait until 12:30 am. Harry, Hermione, and Nigel realized they could not
trust this sponsor.
The control tower turned into the cockpit of an airliner
holding the three of them. Another hologram (not of Patton) congratulated them
for arriving. Obviously, this was how the children would be evacuated. Hermione
sat in the pilot’s seat and put a headset on.
photo by Zaheer12a
As an afterwards, I can’t say I’m a Harry Potter fan. But
this is the second vivid, detailed dream I’ve had of the characters. The first
one was posted here.