Saturday, May 11, 2024

Norwescon I—Supplemental

Norwescon is the biggest science fiction/fantasy convention in the Pacific Northwest that has a good emphasis on writing.


First of all, each session has chairs at the front set aside for people who have difficulty walking. The chairs have a variety of signs on the back. Here is one example: 

A number of authors had small sessions wherein they read portions of their latest works. Try to make time at a convention to go to at least one. It boosts the morale of the author to have an audience show up. Here is D.L. Gardner, a fantasy author. 

One of the most instructive sessions was “Young Adult vs. Middle Grade” with authors Marta Murvosh, Camden Rose, and Tom Llewellyn. Here are some of the highlights:

MG is more about saving the world and family.

YA is more about the individual and identity.

MG  has MG characters that targets 4th to 6th graders.

YA has high school to college-age characters.

MG coming-of-age involves realizing one is part of a community.

Extended YA is a real industry term for college-age protagonists.

Marta Murvosh, Camden Rose, Tom Llewellyn

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