Monday, November 7, 2016

I Voted

Perhaps you’ve heard that there is an election going on in the United States. Here in my state of Washington, all the voting is by mail, which I think is a shame. Here I am putting my ballot in a drop box at the Crossroads Mall, in a suburb of Seattle.

This wasn't to save postage; I just felt like doing it this way.

A man who was holding a child dropped his ballot off right before me. I think I delayed someone who came right after me by my taking a picture. We might have just happened to converge at the same time, since I don't know how popular this option is.

If we have a longshot outcome I’m hoping for, I’ll let you know how I voted. 

1 comment:

  1. It's a crazy election, eh? I don't think anyone who loves this country will stop holding their breath until late tonight.



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