Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Norwescon III

I talked a little to Carry L. Lee, who is not only a science fiction and fantasy author, she is also a particle physicist. 

Saturday night at the convention is the Masquerade, and some of the participants parade themselves to have their photos in the lobby.  Entire families might participate. 

Notice the little girl with goggles flipped up  

I was on the lookout for Tereshkova2001, who appeared like this at last year’sconvention

I barely recognized Tereshkova this year.  Sorry I didn’t get a better picture. 

Finally, here’s something strange.  You know how in fast food joints, you can hear people behind the counter with headsets on taking orders from the drive through lane?  While eating at a Taco Bell during the convention, I realized that no one behind the counter was talking to the drive through lane, though it was quite busy.  I happen to know that some fast food places are using call centers to take orders—you might be talking to someone in a different state when you pull up to one of the menu speakers, and that person then sends your order by internet to that same restaurant, which assembles your food.  So the person below might not have been talking to anyone inside the Taco Bell where I was sitting.  Also, do you notice something unusual about that person? 

[Permission granted to use any photo on this post, so long as it is labeled “Photo by Mark Murata”]


  1. Unusual ... like the fact that it appears to be a dog making the order?!

    Those people dressed up are hilarious - especially the little girl with the wings and goggles! So cute!

  2. We've never heard of a call center for a fast food joint. Very interesting!
