Saturday, May 18, 2024

Norwescon III—Supplemental

As usual, Norwescon featured some Roman Legionnaires:


They just can’t help but get in fights.

I did not take many pictures this year of people in their costumes. I did in 2022, and took me an immense time to crop and post them all. So with apologies to people who put so much effort into their cosplay, here are a few examples.

This couple just looked too good to ignore.

And we had an impressive swordswoman.

To my delight, Captain Kangaroo made a surprise appearance.



And what do we think? With the blonde hair, is she half Human, half Vulcan?

Here is Torrey Stenmark in her competition costume. To see her floor costume, click here.

She seems to be a female Han Solo. Agree? Disagree?

So with a blaster in the holster and a light saber held high.

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