Saturday, May 4, 2013

Production of The Odyssey

I attended a production of The Odyssey, put on by the students of Covenant Christian Middle School, which is run by Sara Loudon

First, we have Athena come out and summarize the life of Odysseus so far: 

Then we have Odysseus and his crew in their ship.  The original concept was to have a cardboard prop, but one of the fathers is an engineer, and he built a wooden boat for them.  Look at the players in a wooden boat! 

And of course, what recounting of The Odyssey would be complete without a Cyclops? 

The Cyclops was operated by students in black masks, similar to the way that onstage stagehands in Kabuki theater wear black. 

The students put on an excellent production.  I marvel at their ability to memorize complex lines and to deliver them confidently to the audience.  And a good time was had by all.  

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